I was asked to speak at a monthly Hickory Co. 4-H meeting..I reluctantly obliged, although this was completely out of my comfort zone. Reluctant because I don’t really care for speaking in front of people, and reluctant because it’s nearly impossible to articulate what I do. So, in the end I didn’t really articulate at all..I ended up ‘showing’ them what I do. I start with a vision..or an idea of what I want to accomplish: In this case, I was inspired by the redbud blooms that had been popping up all over the countryside. But of course, when the forecast was rain, rain and more rain during the days prior to my presentation..and all I had was one evening to take some shots..I could not find a beautiful grove of redbud trees. What I did have was one little tree..barely left from the frost..in my not-yet-landscaped backyard. You don’t always need a perfectly beautiful picturesque landscape to come up with a bright, fairy-like, whimsical image…
above is the wide shot of the surroundings..you can just barely see the “beautiful” redbud tree..
What I captured out of all that mess..not too shabby eh?